朋友寄來的認養徵求信,待翻譯嗚嗚...自訂期限星期一 \>_<
Cowboy 牛仔 the dog needs a safe place to rest for a few weeks, and he needs a person who can make sure he stays well-nourished and gets his medicine during that time.
He is male, under 2 years old, possibly part pit bull. Please see his attached photo.
Cowboy is fighting canine distemper and could use a month or even just two weeks more of
recovery time in a safe environment with someone available to feed him and maybe just hang
out with him.
A space on someone's balcony or really any spare space at all to rest in are all this dog
requires; if someone has time to give him a little attention as well, that will definitely
brighten his life.
A few more weeks of care will be enough time to get an understanding of whether he's going
to pull through; then a decision will be made as to where he's bound (longer-term foster
care, adoption, return, or hospice.)
For the past 10 days since his rescue, Cowboy has been living with his caregiver in a 4th floor apartment, free to roam the rooms, and has done really well in that environment. He's quiet and calm. His current caregiver discovered that Cowboy already knows how to ride a scooter.
Cowboy is very affectionate and it seems that the personal care he's gotten over the last 10
days has helped him just as much as the medicine has. He's changed from fevered and listless to hopeful and lively in just 10 days.
His current temporary caregiver is leaving the country; Cowboy's condition is improving but
he still needs more time to recover in a safe place, preferably with human interaction.
The more time Cowboy can spend in a loving environment now, the better life he'll have,
regardless of the outcome.
If someone is able to care for him for even a short period of time, please contact me.
Your time limit will be respected.
for Animals Ilan Rescue
Although canine distemper is a disease that is often fatal, A.I.R. currently has one other dog that has survived distemper, and AnimalsTaiwan's record is four distemper survivors out of six.
Distemper is rampant in Taiwan and highly contagious from dog to dog, but a simple yearly
vaccination can prevent it. If you've got dogs which have been immunized within this past
year, they should be at no risk. If you'd like to immunize your dogs against this and other diseases, take them to a vet and ask for the 8 in 1 vaccination.
Canine distemper cannot be passed to people or to cats